Spring in Durango!
Three weeks from today we will be moving to San Francisco!! We are sooo excited, although we will miss Durango as we have incredible friends and an awesome church here. Since our last post, the boys have mastered crawling. Ian is our speed crawler and Levi has a future in the military as he crawls comando style. Ella turns in to more of a princess by the day. Her new favorite phrase is..."Oh my goodness, I don't even believe it!" Seriously? Where do kids pick this stuff up. The twins also love to fight over toys. They do the tug-o-war over every toy they own and are usually broken up by Ella stealing it from both of them, then she has to apologize and give them a kiss. It's a cute little routine, really.
Last week we were officially approved by the Foursquare Board of Directors and Seth was appointed "Lead Pastor" of Bay Church!! Whoohoo! The newest, hottest church in San Fran! Our move date is May 4th and our first service will be June 28th. If you're in the area, check us out!
Well, below is a conglomeration of pictures from the past few months. The first is a video, so turn up your volume. Enjoy!
(Aren't the twins' suits adorable??)
Ian opening Easter Eggs
Ian again
Ian in front, Levi behind
Ella and her friend Lily
Feet first would be to safe!
I always wondered why infant swings had 4 holes..... Levi on the left, Ian on the right
Throwing rocks in the river
Just hanging out. Levi on the left.
Levi's first ride in the swing
Ella on the monkey bars
Grandma Barb and the kiddos
I told you she was a princess!
On our way to San Fran in March
The view from the area we will be living in. The Bay in the background.
Mommy and Ella's princess toes